Thursday, October 1, 2009

[edit] Rules and Match Set Up

A match consists of five three-minute rounds and takes place in a 6.1 meter square boxing ring. A one-and-a-half or two minute break occurs between each round. At the beginning of each match boxers practice the praying rituals known as the twai kru. Traditional Cambodian music performed with the instruments skor yaul (a type of drum), the sralai (reed flute) and the chhing, is played during the match. Modern boxers wear leather gloves and nylon shorts.
A boxer is not allowed to strike his opponent while he is on the ground.
A boxer is not allowed to bite.
When an opponent can not fight anymore, the referee stops the fight.
Blows to the back of the opponent are not allowed.
A boxer may not hold on to the ropes.
Blows to the genitals are prohibited.
Victory can be obtained by knockout. A knockout occurs when a boxer is knocked down to the ground and can not continue fighting after a 10 second count by the referee, a referee may forgo the count and declare a knockout if it is obvious the boxer will not regain his feet unaided. Victory is also obtained from the end of the match when judges decide by a point system which fighter was more effective. If fighters end up with the same score a draw is called.

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